Minggu, 29 November 2009


Knowledge is a meaningful experience in any human who grew up since birth. Therefore, a normal human certainly have the knowledge. In the life of a growing and full of challenges, the value does not achieve optimal functional to meet the challenges and solving complex problems. In order to be optimally functional value is the random knowledge should be increased to a science. Science is a collection of facts and rules that have faced with this situation, the public needs to be directed at the attitude of technology aware. Progress is often interpreted as modernization, promising human ability to control nature through science, and increase effectiveness through the implementation of community-based organizations rational considerations.
Can not be denied that the progress of a nation depends on science skill of technology, science technology with all human beings can do things never before imagined. The science is very important in human’s lifes, because the human science can develop the capabilities of the resources.
Knowledge is very useful in everyday life. With the utilization of knowledge objects, la-tools, weapons, and also animals, become easy and focused to achieve results. Especially if that knowledge has been organized became science, the application of the use of objects, tools, and weapons will be even better. Application of knowledge and science in everyday life to produce something resulted in the so-called technological capabilities.
Development of science is always followed by the development of technology. Technology is a systematic study wills techniques to create and work on various objects, while science is a systematic effort to understand and interpret the world.
Thus the technology associated with the manufacture and use of objects, tools and natural artifacts, the science devoted to more conceptual efforts to understand the environment, and depends on a relatively sophisticated expertise in the field of literacy and numeracy.
As we know now, we are carried away by the changing times, a very large involving all aspects of life into an era of globalization. The question now as far as what your participation in the globalization era? Actually, the desired As with Indonesia is our great nation, should be able to participate actively in the globalization era. Of course we do not want to be a toy another nation. Therefore, we must prepare ourselves to meet as early as possible to that era. One alternative is to prepare human resources through education.
So the main issue that must be answered is how to improve the quality of human resources in order to meet the era of globalization? One of the alternatives that can be taken is to introduce science and technology as early as possible in education, both formal and non formal. Because our students are the days of human resources will come.
In the globalization era like today, we would expect the changes and developments in science technology very quickly. Similarly, the culture will evolve with developments in science technology.
The existence of technological knowledge in a society is a cultural richness that is very important not only for the people concerned, but untoo all mankind. Technological advances in science are determined by the existence of revival culture and support the spirit of exploring the unknown world. This is called doing research or research.
Technological advancement of science in several fields such as transportation, communication, information, and energy have brought many changes in style of life and human life more dynamic. Technological advances such as transportation, allowing people in constant high mobilety, moving from one place to another in a high frequency, the more narrow the world looks.
While advances in information technology to create a variety of exchanges and ease traffic flow more quickly and transparently, making a world without limits. Possible exchange of information in various forms and in various print and electronic media. Mobility and all the ease of lifestyle can only be obtained, while other progress is achieved and the technological progress of energy management.
The most effective tool for the dissemination of technological knowledge is the mass media and electronic media. Particularly television, as well as event promotion / advertising of new tech products, as well as an effective information tool to popularize science and technology. Now in Indonesia television and newspapers have been touched rural areas, thus adding to the smoothness of information for the public, including information about the study.

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