Senin, 02 November 2009

Acne Caused

Acne is a skin condition that occur due to the over production oil by the oil glands of the skin. The areas with the highest population of oil glands are face, chest, shoulders, and back. Acne affects almost everyone ( more than 90 percents ) and it is not restricted to the age. Older adult and children can also have acne.

Some people believe acne caused by their activities. That is not true because acne caused by a combination of factors at work far beneath the surface of the skin. There is hormones, extra sebum, follicle fallout, bacteria, and inflammation.

Hormones are the first which can cause acne. Begins at puberty, the body begins to produce hormones called androgen. This hormones are also responsible for acne flare-up associated with the menstrual cycle and pregnancy. Second acne caused is extra sebum. It is produce when the sebaceous is stimulated by androgen and it will up the follicle toward the surface, then it mixes with common skin bacteria and dead skin that have been shed from the lining of follicle. This process can cause acne for us.

Follicle fallout can cause acne too. In condition, dead cells within the follicle shed gradually and are expelled onto the skin surface. bacteria also can cause acne. Bacteria do play a role in making the situation worse. Bacteria called P. acnes, is a normal part of the skin surface. It keeps the skin from being invaded by harmful bacteria.

Inflammation is the next acne caused. Inflamed skin is characterized by redness, swelling, warmth, and discomfort. Inflammation of the skin happens because the body's immune system is acting to rid it self of a foreign substance. The inflammatory response is different for everyone, but studies have shown that is especially strong in adult woman.

There are five major factors responsible for causing acne. They act together to causing acne. Acne is still no curable, but treatable. So, we know more about controlling this condition than ever before.

5 komentar:

  1. i think, the article is useful to people and give the knowledge about the acne cause.
    thank's with the info :=)

  2. its good article for me,
    but look the third paragraph".....menstrual cycle...." {cycle/circle/cyclus}???

  3. Hmm..

    Let's see Mr dictionary...

  4. anom... where is your task in english class!? yon don't want a reward!?
    okay... i want to know... the article is mid test!>?!
    acne is a big problem from people who care their skin....

  5. this paragraph written by you...
    I appreciate it...
    Its not too bad...

    please change your profile picture... is make me sleepy....
